Thursday, April 19, 2012

The introduction of (-)-a-pinene

Multiple-funnel traps baited with exo-brevicomin and a mixture of cis-and transv erbenolwereusedtotest therelativeattractive ness # If myrceneand (-) - a - pinenetothe 
mountainpinebeetle, D endroctonusponderosae H opkins, inastandofwesternwhit e 
pine, Pinus monticola Doug]. T rapsbaitedwithmyrcene caughtsignificantlymo re D. 
ponderosae than traps baited with (-)-a-pinene, irrespective of the presence of exobrevicomin. exo-Brevicomin was attractive to Thanasimus undatulus (Say) 
(Coleoptera: Cleridae) whereas Trypodendron lineatum (Olivier) (Coleoptera: 
S colytidae) wasattractedto (-) - a - pinene. O urresultssupporttheus eofmyrcenein 
commercialtrapluresan dtreebaitsfor D. ponderos, ze instandsofwesternwhit epin e.Finally, research by Pitman (1971), Billings et al. (1976), Borden et al. (1983) and Conn et al. (1983) were conducted before the importance of the enantiomeric composition of a-pinene was widely recognised. It is likely, but not certain, that they used either (*) - or (-)-a-pinene due to the high costs associated with ()-a-pinene. We used (-)-a-pinene in our trials since it is the predominant enantiomer in the resin of western white pine phloem tissue (Mirov 196 1) In Experiment I, catches of Trypodendron lineatum were lowest in traps baited with myrcene alone, and highest in traps baited with either a-pinene or exo-brevicomin (Table1). a-Pinene significantly increases the attraction of T lineatum to ethanol and the pheromone lineatin (Borden et al. 1982; Schroeder and Lindelow 1989). No T lineatum were caught in experiment 2.
Read more: buy  (-)-a-pinene

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