Saturday, March 31, 2012

The structure of ZSM-5

ZSM-5 was synthesized by Argauer and Landolt in 1972. This is a medium pore zeolite with channels defined by ten-membered rings. The synthesis involves three different solutions. The first solution is the ion source of alumina, sodium ions and hydroxide; in the presence of excess base of the alumina will form soluble Al (OH) 4 - ions. The second solution has the tetrapropylammonium cations which acts as a templating agent. The third solution is the source of silica, one of the modules to the basic frame structure of a zeolite. Mix the three solutions produces supersaturated tetrapropylammonium ZSM-5, which can be heated to produce a solid and recrystallize. ZSM-5 is composed of several units connected together by pentasil ribs b oxygen to form pentasil chains. Pentasil unit consists of eight five-membered rings. In these rings, the peaks are Al or Si and O is assumed to be stuck between the peaks. Pentasil chains are linked together by oxygen bridges to form rings corrugated sheets with 10 holes. As the pentasil units, each hole has 10-ring as Al or Si peaks with a joint supposed to be glued between each vertex. Each corrugated sheet is connected by oxygen bridges to form a structure with "10 cyclic straight channels parallel to the sinusoidal undulations cyclic and 10 channels perpendicular to the leaves." sheets adjacent layers are connected by a reversal point. The pore size estimated channel extending parallel to the corrugations is 5.4 to 5.6 Å.  The crystallographic unit cell of ZSM-5 has 96 sites T (Si or Al), O 192 locations and a number of compensating cations depending on the Si / Al ratio ranging from 12 to infinity. The orthorhombic structure (space group Pnma) at elevated temperatures, but a phase transition to the space group monoclinic P21/n.1.13 occurs upon cooling below a transition temperature, lies between 300 and 350 K.
Read more: buy ZSM-5

Friday, March 30, 2012

The characteristics of carboxylated carbon nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes have been idealized as vehicles for drug and gene targeted cell. The physicochemical properties of carbon nanotube also promote its function as a "thermal antennas" for the destruction of non-invasive cancer. Covalent Modification of carbon nanotubes is a result of acid purification resulting in carboxylated carbon nanotubes. In addition, this covalent modification allows the attachment of biological fragments for cell targeting. in contrast, the carboxyl carbon nanotubes are proposed to be cytotoxic to mammalian cells. the current study examines the potential cytotoxicity of short, carboxylated nanotubes of multi-walled carbon in vitro model of fibroblast culture of primary cells. cytotoxicity was assessed by vital staining using propidium iodide, and the other with an assay of lactate dehydrogenase color. results indicate a cytotoxic dose dependent relationship between the nanotubes carboxylated multiwall carbon tested and semiconductor fibroblast culture cells model.Carboxylated and metallic carbon nanotubes under transverse electric fields are studied by the functional theory density based on first principles calculations. the external field polarizes the system, resulting in a dipole moment induced electric field to the incident with the module depends directly on the field strength. the structural and electronic properties of the resulting system due to orbital hybridization between the nanotube and COOH states are shown to be affected by the applied field. These results open new perspectives for alternative uses,
Read more: carboxylated carbon nanotubes Price

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The characteristics of graphene oxide

The graphite oxide, formerly known as graphitic oxide or graphitic acid, is a compound of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen in various proportions, obtained by treating the graphite with strong oxidizers. The bulk material is oxidized at most a yellow solid with a ratio C: O ratio between 2.1 and 2.9, which preserves the structure of graphite layer, but with a wider spacing and irregular.
The bulk material dispersed in basic solution to give monomolecular sheets, called graphene oxide by analogy to graphene, to form a single layer of graphite. Graphene oxide sheets were used to prepare a strong paper-like material, and have recently attracted substantial interest as a possible intermediary making graphene. However, from 2010 this goal remains elusive since graphene obtained by this method still has many chemical and structural defects.Graphite oxide was prepared by Oxford chemist Benjamin C. Brodie in 1859, by treating graphite with a mixture of potassium chlorate and fuming nitric acid.In Offeman 1957 Hummers and developed a process safer, faster and more efficient, using a mixture of sulfuric acid, H2SO4, sodium nitrate NaNO3 , potassium permanganate, KMnO4, which is still widely used (in 2009). Recently, a safe procedure and is best developed using sulfuric acid, H2SO4, H3PO4 phosphoric acid, and potassium oxide KMnO4.Graphite permanganate exfoliates and rapidly decomposes when heated to moderately high temperatures (~ 280-300 ° C) with formation of fine dispersion of amorphous carbon, somewhat similar to activated carbon.
Read more: graphite oxide suppliers

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The description of Double-wall carbon nanotubes

Double-wall carbon nanotubes form a special class of nanotubes because their morphology and properties are similar to those of SWNTs, but their chemical resistance is significantly improved. This is particularly important when the functionalization is required (this means grafting of chemical functions at the surface of the nanotubes) to add new properties to the CNT. In the case of SWNT, covalent functionalization will break some C = C double bonds, leaving "holes" in the structure of the nanotube and, therefore, to modify both its mechanical and electrical properties. In the case of DWNT, that the outer wall is changed. DWNT synthesis on gram scale was proposed in 2003 [6] by the CVD technique, the selective reduction of oxide solutions of methane and hydrogen.
The ability of telescopic movement of inner shells  and their unique mechanical properties [8] allow the use of multi-walled nanotubes as major arms movable in nanomechanical devices to come. The retraction force that occurs at a telescopic movement caused by the Lennard-Jones interaction between the shell and its value is about 1.5 nN.    
  The vibrational properties of Double-wall carbon nanotubes  is investigated by high-pressure resonance Raman scattering up to 30 GPa in two different pressure-transmitting media (PTM): paraffin oil and NaCl. The protection effect on the outer tube during compression is verified .The collapse of DWNTs is experimentally observed for the first time, showing to be two-step: the onset of the outer 1.56 nm diameter tube collapse at 21 GPa is followed by the collapse of the inner 0.86 nm diameter tube at a higher pressure of 25 GPa. This observation is supported by calculations.      
Read more:  Double-wall carbon nanotubes price 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The description of Nano-graphite

Nano-graphite  appears to have many of the electronic properties that make carbon nanotubes so attractive. Ideally, researchers could just take graphite and strip it apart into Nano-graphite  sheets for use in devices. Graphite, which is sold for just a few dollars a pound with about 1 million metric tons sold annually worldwide, is far less expensive than carbon nanotubes. However, making isolated Nano-graphite sheets from graphite is not easy because they like to stick together.These materials could have applications in the transportation as well as the electronics industry, said researcher SonBinh Nguyen, a chemist at Northwestern.
For instance, chemical engineer Nicholas Kotov at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor said these composites might find use in aircraft fuselages, which must combine low weight, high strength and electrical conductivity. "It is quite important to have them conductive to prevent damage from lighting strikes and electromagnetic pulses. The two biggest companies in airplane production, Boeing and Airbus, consider it as one of the most important issues in future design of composite planes," Kotov explained.
The graphite found in pencils is made of layers just a single carbon atom thick known as Nano-graphite . Carbon nanotubes are simply Nano-graphite  that has been rolled into a cylindrical shape. Investigators worldwide are researching carbon nanotubes for use in electronics because they are capable of conducting electricity at high speed with little energy loss. However, scientists have encountered many challenges when it comes to generating nanotubes with consistent electronic properties and with integrating them into circuitry via processes suitable for mass production. Carbon nanotubes are quite expensive to make as well.
Read more: buy Nano-graphite

Monday, March 26, 2012

The characteristics of ZSM-11

 ZSM-11 (also known as MEL) contains a two dimensional 10-ring pore structure. Both sets of pores are straight.ZSM-11 zeolite is a high silica ZSM series, a member of the tetragonal, belonging to Pentasil zeolite, ten dollars from the oval ring made ​​of three-dimensional straight channels intersect.ZSM-11 zeolite has a very unique crystal structure, the crystal structure of alumina is high, the crystal surface with a clear role and strong hydrophobic surface acidity, it is important to good shape-selective adsorbent and catalyst. For toluene - methanol alkylation, xylene isomerization and toluene disproportionation reaction
Listed below are a number of different zeolite structures in JPEG, virtual reality images (VRML), and SolidWorks formats.
 You can view the JPEG's easily with any browser, but the VRML files require a pluggin (see below) and the SolidWorks files would generally be downloaded and opened using SolidWorks software. Many other types of 3D modelling software support SolidWorks images as well. The VRML and SolidWorks files are 3D, while the JPEG's are 2D projections. These are stacked tetrahedral images which are constructed by drawing tetrahedra around the tetrahedrally coordinated Si or Al T-atoms, then adding spheres to depict the oxygen atoms which connect the Si and/or Al atoms. The actual diameter of the oxygen atoms is larger than depicted in these diagrams, but if they were drawn to actual dimensions, they would completely engulf the teterahedra, so we would lose the tetrahedral representation of the zeolites.
Read more:ZSM-11  price

Friday, March 23, 2012

The information of cubic mesoporous carbon

Well-ordered three-dimensional (3D) Im3m-type mesostructured carbon with a cavity size of 4.59 nm was synthesized using mesoporous SBA-16 silica having a size of 7.91 nm of the cavity as a model hard and characterized by means of SAXS, nitrogen adsorption techniques, and TEM TGA. characterization data indicated that the carbon replica is really mesostructured mesoporous SBA-negative 16 silica. replica carbon has a BET surface of 994 m2 g-1 and a pore volume of 0.72 cm3 g-1.The formation mechanism of the cubic mesoporous carbon, FDU-16, synthesized by evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA) was investigated at the molecular level by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopic techniques.

This material is synthesized using F127 pluronic block copolymer [poly(ethylene oxide)–poly(propylene oxide)–poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO106-PPO70-PEO106)] as a structure-directing agent (template) and phenolic resol as a carbon precursor. Using two spin probes derived from pluronics with PEO and PPO chains of different lengths that are designed to sense different regions of the system, we followed the evaporation and thermopolymerization stages of the synthesis in situ. To make such studies possible, we have used a polyurethane foam support, placed in the EPR tube, which allows for the efficient solvent evaporation as required for EISA.
Read more : cubic mesoporous carbon price

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The description of SBA-3

SBA-3 is not toxic, but improper use can cause respiratory, eye slight stimulation, direct contact may cause dry skin. Recommended to wear masks and gloves when usingSBA-3 molecular sieves with regular pore structure, narrow pore size distribution, high surface area and better thermal stability of water in organic molecules, biological macromolecules adsorption and catalysis has wider applications. Can be applied to acid-base catalysis, redox catalysis, polymerization catalysis, protein separation, biosensors, biochips and electrochemical energy storage in the material; can also be used for environmental science and engineering of porous adsorbents, such as adsorption of heavy metal ions To remove the radioactive atoms, ions and removal of toxic waste from industrial adsorption recovery of useful substances.
Sealed.SBA-3 is a quaternary ammonium salt as the template synthesis in the strong acid system with two-dimensional hexagonal mesoporous Silica Molecular Sieves. The material and the synthesis of mesoporous materials in the alkaline system, the difference lies in its skeleton  or nearly neutral framework for the oxidation of silicon, instead of negatively charged silicate.
Read more: SBA-3  suppliers

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The introduction of graphene oxide

Graphite oxide was first prepared by Oxford chemist Benjamin C. Brodie in 1859, by treating graphite with a mixture of potassium chlorate and fuming nitric acid. In 1957 Hummers and Offeman developed a safer, quicker, and more efficient process, using a mixture of sulfuric acid H2SO4, sodium nitrate NaNO3, and potassium permanganate KMnO4, which is still widely used (as of 2009).[1] Recently, a safer and better method was developed using sulfuric acid H2SO4, phosphoric acid H3PO4, and potassium permanganate KMnO4.
Recently a mixture of H2SO4 and KMnO4 has been used to cut open carbon nanotubes lengthwise, resulting in microscopic flat ribbons of graphene, a few atoms wide, with the edges "capped" by oxygen atoms (=O) or hydroxyl groups (-OH).
Graphite oxide, formerly called graphitic oxide or graphitic acid, is a compound of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen in variable ratios, obtained by treating graphite with strong oxidizers. The maximally oxidized bulk product is a yellow solid with C:O ratio between 2.1 and 2.9, that retains the layer structure of graphite but with a much larger and irregular spacing.
The bulk material disperses in basic solutions to yield monomolecular sheets, known as graphene oxide by analogy to graphene, the single-layer form of graphite.[2] Graphene oxide sheets have been used to prepare a strong paper-like material, and have recently attracted substantial interest as a possible intermediate for the manufacture of graphene. However, as of 2010 this goal remains elusive since graphene obtained by this route still has many chemical and structural defects.
Read more: graphene oxide price

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The decription of MCM-48

Mesoporous molecular sieves MCM-48 type were prepared by hydrothermal synthesis and novel at room temperature. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) studies have shown that nonagglomerated uniform spheres of size ca. 0.5 microns were obtained by the process room temperature. Internal pore structure was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and high-resolution adsorption of nitrogen and argon. Pore ​​size distributions were calculated from low temperature nitrogen and argon adsorption isotherms by density functional theory nonlocal (NLDFT) method. A new approach to calculating the wall thickness of the pores of MCM-48 of the diffraction and gas adsorption isotherms has been used. The approach uses the intrinsic symmetry of the structure of MCM-48 pores, cubic, space group Ia3d, revealed by XRD and combines the results of the analysis of the distribution with the pore size of the overall relationship between the structural parameters of the geometric Gyroid minimal surface area. The wall thickness of the pores of MCM-48 calculated from the nitrogen and argon adsorption data was found to be ca. 8-10 A, in good agreement with estimates obtained from TEM.
Read more: buy MCM-48

Monday, March 19, 2012

The decription of Import package graphene

We investigate electric transport in graphene on SiO2 in the high field limit and report on the formation of p-n junctions. Previously, doping of Import package graphene has been achieved by using multiple electrostatic gates, or charge transfer from adsorbants. Here we demonstrate a novel approach to create p-n junctions by changing the local electrostatic potential in the vicinity of one of the contacts without the use of extra gates. The approach is based on the electronic modification not of the graphene but of the substrate and produces a well-behaved, sharp junction whose position and height can be controlled.
    1.Kish Graphite (grade 50): 1 gram.
    2.Graphene Oxide (Aqueous Dispersion): 25 ml
    3.Pristine graphene in solution: 25 ml.
    4.Eight small Silicon / 300 nm Silicon Dioxide wafers: 10 mmx10 mm squares.
    5.Graphene Scotch tape: 1 roll
Read more:buy Import package graphene

Friday, March 16, 2012

The information of CMK-3

Periodically ordered mesoporous magnesium oxide was synthesized in a double replication procedure. Mesoporous SBA-15 silica and CMK-3 carbon were successively used as hard structure matrixes. The carbon pore system was infiltrated with Mg(NO3)2, which was then converted to MgO at 573 K; the carbon matrix was finally removed by thermal combustion. The structure of the mesoporous MgO corresponds to that of the original SBA-15 silica. The products consist of hexagonally arranged cylindrical mesopores and crystalline pore walls. The efficiency of the replication series was studied by variation of the infiltration method and comprehensive pore size analysis of all involved mesoporous materials. The in situ formation of MgO inside the CMK-3 carbon pore system was monitored by thermal analysis. Postsynthetic treatment of the products at 823 K in a vacuum prior to removal of the carbon matrix was found to improve the crystallinity but to diminish the periodic order of the pore system.CMK-3 under the macro-black powder, was under the high power short rod or donut shape, topography is relatively fixed, the average length of particles up to 1.0 μm, a width of about 500-600 nm, purity> 99.6%.
Read more:CMK-3 suppliers

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The introduction of ZSM-12

The ZSM-12 crystals were synthesized by the hydrothermal method starting from a gel with the following molar composition: 20MTEA:10Na2O:x Al2O3:100SiO2:2000H2O, with x = 0.50, 0.67, 1, 1.25 and 2, respectively. The gels were crystallized at 140∘C for 6 days, then washed, dried and calcined to remove the MTEA template. The samples were ion-exchanged with an ammonium chloride solution and calcined again to obtain the zeolites in the acid form. The materials thus obtained were characterized by XRD, SEM, BET, TG and n-butylamine adsorption. The Si/Al ratio in the reaction mixture affects the amount of zeolite produced and the size of the particles. The XRD analysis indicated that the ZSM-12 zeolite crystallizes in a pure form only with Si/Al ratio above 33. The SEM analysis showed the presence of crystallites with very well defined prismatic shapes. The removal of the MTEA of the pores of the ZSM-12 by TG indicated that there are two kinds of internal sites occupied by MTEA inside the structure. The BET area of the ZSM-12 decreases proportionally with the crystallinity of materials. The desorption of n-butylamine showed that the acid site density is proportional to aluminum content, but the Si/Al ratio shows little influence on the relative strengths of these sites.
Read more:buy ZSM-12

The information of SAPO-34

Ethene is selectively converted to propene over SAPO-34 at 723 K with a yield of 52.2% and selectivity of 73.3% at ethene conversion of 71.2%. The high and selective propene yields achieved over SAPO-34 can be attributed to a shape selectivity effect of the small-pore SAPO-34 and modest acid strength of acidic protons.Silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) membranes with Si/Al gel ratios from 0.05 to 0.3 were synthesized by in situ crystallization onto porous, tubular stainless steel support. Pure SAPO-34 membranes were obtained when the Si/Al ratio was 0.15 or higher. The adsorbate polarizability correlated with the adsorption capacity on SAPO-34, and the amounts of gases adsorbed were in the order: CO2 > CH4 > N2 > H2. The Si/Al ratio did not affect the pore volume significantly, but it changed the CO2 and CH4 adsorption equilibrium constants. The SAPO-34 membranes effectively separated CO2 from CH4 for feed pressures up to 7 MPa. At 295 K, for a pressure drop of 138 kPa and a 50/50 feed, the CO2/CH4 selectivity was 170 for a membrane with a Si/Al gel ratio of 0.15. At 7 MPa, the CO2/CH4 selectivity was 100 and the CO2 permeance was 4 × 10−8 mol/(m2 · s · Pa) at 295 K. This membrane was also separated CO2/N2 (selectivity = 21) and H2/CH4 (selectivity = 32) mixtures at 295 K and a pressure drop of 138 kPa. Competitive adsorption and difference in diffusivities are responsible for CO2/CH4 and CO2/N2 separations, whereas the H2/CH4 separation was due to diffusivity differences. For a membrane with Si/Al gel ratio of 0.1, a mixture of SAPO-34 and SAPO-5 formed, and the CO2/CH4 selectivity was lower.
Read more:buy SAPO-34

Monday, March 5, 2012

Describe the Dispersible Graphene

Graphite is a kind of functional materials for a wide range of excellent performance, but its chemical invalid hinder its development.
 The dispersion of the graphite preparation of graphite is an important tool.
To prepare a functionalized graphite (FG) treatment of graphite oxide (GO) and γ-aminopropyl triethoxy silane, and then reduce the hydrazine hydrate.

No dry stabilization of graphite dispersed in DMF/H2O (9:1, volume ratio) and the acetone/H2O (9:1 volume ratio), and functionalized graphite suspended in DMF/H2O (9:1 volume ratio) can also be dispersed in ethanol or acetone.

Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns FGO and FG structure.
The results show that the KH-550 amino acids graphite oxide to generate the amide carboxyl reaction occurs in addition to reaction with the oxidation of graphite epoxy.
Dry functionalized graphite layer and the Si-O-Si bonds.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Description of Conducting filler - iron nickel coating graphite

Conducting filler - iron nickel coating graphite

Iron nickel coating graphite conductive filler is made from the heated graphite decompositing Fe(CO)5 and Ni(CO)4 . A high rate of coating, coating is adjustable , high conductivity, overcome the same products in abroad  up to 70% the amount of coating and the coating rate is still low, and the price is far lower than the same products abroad.