Friday, January 24, 2014

what is the Erythromycin ?

Erythromycin is a macrolide antibiotic that has an antimicrobial spectrum similar to or slightly wider than that of penicillin, and is often prescribed for people who have an allergy to penicillins. For respiratory tract infections, it has better coverage of atypical organisms, including Mycoplasma and legionellosis. It was first marketed by Eli Lilly and Company, and it is today commonly known as EES . It is also occasionally used as a prokinetic agent.Erythromycin displays bacteriostatic activity or inhibits growth of bacteria, especially at higher concentrations, but the mechanism is not fully understood. By binding to the 50s subunit of the bacterial 70s rRNA complex, protein synthesis and subsequent structure and function processes critical for life or replication are inhibited. Erythromycin interferes with aminoacyl translocation, preventing the transfer of the tRNA bound at the A site of the rRNA complex to the P site of the rRNA complex. Without this translocation, the A site remains occupied and, thus, the addition of an incoming tRNA and its attached amino acid to the nascent polypeptide chain is inhibited. This interferes with the production of functionally useful proteins, which is the basis of this antimicrobial action.Grade:USP grade

CAS: 114-07-8
Molecular Formula: C37H67NO13
Molecular Weight: 733.94 g/mol
Specification:5g/5g each/10g/50g/50g original binding

The use of Carmustine or BCNU

Carmustine or BCNU  is a mustard gas-related β-chloro-nitrosourea compound used as an alkylating agent in chemotherapy. As a dialkylating agent, BCNU is able to form interstrand crosslinks in DNA, which prevents DNA replication and DNA transcription.It is used in the treatment of several types of brain cancer , multiple myeloma and lymphoma . BCNU is sometimes used in conjunction with alkyl guanine transferase (AGT) inhibitors, such as O6-benzylguanine. The AGT-inhibitors increase the efficacy of BCNU by inhibiting the Direct Reversal pathway of DNA repair, which will prevent formation of the interstrand crosslink between the N1 of guanine and the N3 of cytosine.
Carmustine or BCNU is also used as part of chemotherapeutic protocol to prepare for hematological stem cell transplantation, to reduce the white blood cells in the recipient. This use under this protocol, usually with Fludarabine and Melphalan, was coined by oncologist at MD Anderson Cancer Center.
CAS:     154-93-8
Molecular Formula:     C5H9Cl2N3O2
Formula Weight:     214.05

Thursday, January 23, 2014

what is Flumazenil ?

Flumazenil  is a benzodiazepine antagonist.It has been used as an antidote in the treatment of benzodiazepine overdoses.
Flumazenil is of benefit in patients who become excessively drowsy after benzodiazepines are used for either diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.It has been used as an antidote in the treatment of benzodiazepine overdoses It reverses the effects of benzodiazepines by competitive inhibition at the benzodiazepine binding site on the GABAA receptor. There are many complications that must be taken into consideration when used in the acute care setting.
It has been found to be effective in overdoses of non-benzodiazepine sleep enhancers, namely zolpidem, zaleplon and zopiclone.
Flumazenil  was recently found effective in reducing excessive daytime sleepiness while improving vigilance in primary hypersomnias, such as idiopathic hypersomnia. It has also been used in hepatic encephalopathy, though results have been mixed.

Information about Terbinafine hydrochloride

Terbinafine is a synthetic allylamine antifungal. It is highly lipophilic in nature and tends to accumulate in skin, nails, and fatty tissues. As a generic it is sold under the name Zabel in Australia. It is now also available as a generic in the United States, Belgium, Switzerland, Russia, and most or all of the former Soviet Union. Terbinafine hydrochloride is a white fine crystalline powder that is freely soluble in methanol and dichloromethane, soluble in ethanol, and slightly soluble in water.Like other allylamines, terbinafine inhibits ergosterol synthesis by inhibiting squalene epoxidase, an enzyme that is part of the fungal cell membrane synthesis pathway. Because terbinafine prevents conversion of squalene to lanosterol, ergosterol cannot be synthesized. This is thought to change cell membrane permeability, causing fungal cell lysis.
Molecular Formula:C21H26ClN
Molecular Weight:327.89g/mol

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

what is the Methandrostenolone ?

Methandrostenolone  is an orally-effective anabolic steroid originally developed in Germany and released in the US in the early 1960s by Ciba Specialty Chemicals. Methandrostenolone is a controlled substance in the United States and Western Europe and remains popular among bodybuilders. An injectable form is sold online from United States based companies. Methandrostenolone is readily available without a prescription in countries such as Mexico (under the trade name Reforvit-b), and is also being manufactured in Asia and many East European countries.
In the early 1960s, doctors commonly prescribed 3 tablets per day for women as a tonic. This use was quickly discontinued upon discovery of the heavily masculinising effects of methandrostenolone.Despite the lack of any known therapeutic applications, the drug remained legal until the early 2001[citation needed]. The United States Congress added certain kinds of steroids which may or may not include methandrostenolone to the Controlled Substances Act as an amendment known as the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990[citation needed]. This act placed steroids in the same category as some amphetamines as a "Schedule III" drug and possession of these drugs results in a felony. Contrary to popular belief, steroids were banned by Congress without the support of the FDA, the American Medical Association, the DEA or the National Institute on Drug Abuse. It's used by bodybuilders, and methandrostenolone continues to be used illegally to this day, typically being combined (stacked) with injectable compounds, such as testosterone propionate, enanthate, cypionate as well as other injectable drugs like trenbolone acetate.
Several successful athletes and professional bodybuilders have come forward and admitted long-term Methandrostenolone use before the drug was banned, including Arnold Schwarzenegger , Ronnie Coleman and Phil Heath .

about Ketoprofen

Ketoprofen is an oral drug that belongs to a class of drugs called nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Other members of this class include ibuprofen (Motrin), indomethacin (Indocin), naproxen (Aleve) and many others. These drugs are used for the management of mild to moderate pain, fever, and inflammation. They work by reducing the levels of prostaglandins, chemicals that are responsible for pain, fever, and inflammation. Ketoprofen reduces prostaglandins by blocking the enzyme that makes them (cyclooxygenase). As a consequence, inflammation, pain and fever are reduced.
Ketoprofen is a common NSAID, antipyretic, and analgesic used in horses and other equines. It is also used as a mild painkiller in smaller animals, generally following surgical procedures. It is most commonly used for musculoskeletal pain, joint problems, and soft tissue injury, as well as laminitis. It is also used to control fevers and prevent endotoxemia. However, it may mask the symptoms of the underlying problem, and therefore make diagnosis more difficult for a veterinarian.
Ketoprofen should not be used in combination with other NSAIDs or corticosteroids, as this increases the risk of gastrointestinal (GI) ulceration. It should also be used with caution with other anticoagulants. It is commonly used with omeprazole, sucralfate, and cimetidine to help protect the GI tract.
Specification: BP98/EP5/USP30
Molecular Formula:C16H14O3
Molecular Weight:254.28g/mol

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

what is the Nano-alumina wear-resistance powder ?

Nano-alumina wear-resistance powder is specially used for a variety of paint, primer, coating ,it can enhance wear resistance, increase hardness, and have good dispersion and good transparency,
Nano-alumina wear-resistance powder can play a reinforcing role in enhancing the coating's hardness and wear resistance, hardness increased with the addition increased.
Item noJR-NL16JR-NL17
Appearance  White powderWhite powder
Content of alumina﹪ ≥99.599.5
Surface Propertieshydrophobichydrophilic
Particle size,D502-3um1-2um
1. Nano-alumina wear-resistance powder  does not affect the adhesion and transparency of coating when it is added in coating.
2.The product can reduce the volume of shrinkage during curing ,and can improve the adhesion between the coating and the substrate.
3. The thermal stability of coating will increase with increasing the dosage

Information about Triclosan

Triclosan is an antibacterial and antifungal agent. It is a polychloro phenoxy phenol. Despite being used in many consumer products, beyond its use in toothpaste to prevent gingivitis, there is no evidence according to the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that triclosan provides an extra benefit to health in other consumer products.Triclosan safety is currently under review by the FDA.
Triclosan has been used since 1972, and it is present in soaps (0.10-1.00%), shampoos, deodorants, toothpastes, mouth washes, and cleaning supplies, and is incorporated into an increasing number of consumer products, such as kitchen utensils, toys, bedding, socks, and trash bags.It is also found in health care settings in surgical scrubs and personnel hand washes.
The use of Triclosan  is an additive for plastic production for use in food packages has not been approved by the European Commission (EC). Triclosan is used in a variety of common household products, including soaps, mouthwashes, dish detergents, toothpastes, deodorants, and hand sanitizers. In the United States, manufacturers of products containing triclosan must indicate it on the label. The ingredient is regulated as a cosmetic preservative within Europe and in accordance with the European Cosmetic Regulation all cosmetic ingredients have to be listed on the label

Monday, January 20, 2014

Information about Atorvastatin calcium

Atorvastatin calcium is a synthetic lipid-lowering agent.Atorvastatin is an inhibitor of 3 hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase. Atorvastatin calcium is a white to off-white crystalline powder that is insoluble in aqueous solutions of pH 4 and below. Atorvastatin calcium is very slightly soluble in distilled water, pH 7.4 phosphate buffer, and acetonitrile, slightly soluble in ethanol, and freely soluble in methanol.The primary uses of atorvastatin is for the treatment of dyslipidemia and the prevention of cardiovascular disease.It is recommended to be used only after other measures such as diet, exercise, and weight reduction have not improved cholesterol levels.
Atorvastatin is absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy; it is likely to cause harm to fetal development because of the importance of cholesterol and various products in the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway for fetal development, including steroid synthesis and cell membrane production. Nursing mothers are not recommended to take atorvastatin due to the possibility of adverse reactions in nursing infants, since experiments with rats indicate atorvastatin is likely to be secreted into human breast milk.
Molecular Formula:C66H68CaF2N4O10
Molecular Weight:1155.36
CAS Number:134523-03-8
Buy Atorvastatin calcium .

what is Amlodipine besylate?

Amlodipine besylate is chemically described as 3-Ethyl-5-methyl (±)-2-[(2-aminoethoxy)methyl]- 4-(2-chlorophenyl)-1,4-dihydro-6-methyl-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylate, monobenzenesulphonate. Its empirical formula is C20H25CIN2O5•C6H6O3S,.
Amlodipine is used in the management of hypertension[1] and coronary artery disease.
Amlodipine besylate is a white crystalline powder with a molecular weight of 567.1. It is slightly soluble in water and sparingly soluble in ethanol. NORVASC (amlodipine besylate) Tablets are formulated as white tablets equivalent to 2.5, 5, and 10 mg of amlodipine for oral administration. In addition to the active ingredient, amlodipine besylate, each tablet contains the following inactive ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, dibasic calcium phosphate anhydrous, sodium starch glycolate, and magnesium stearate.

Friday, January 17, 2014

The use of Mitoxantrone

Mitoxantrone is an anthracycline antineoplastic agent used in the treatment of certain types of cancer, mostly metastatic breast cancer, acute myeloid leukemia, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Mitoxantrone is also used to treat multiple sclerosis most notably the subset known as secondary progressive MS. Mitoxantrone will not cure multiple sclerosis, but is effective in slowing the progression of secondary progressive MS and extending the time between relapses in relapsing-remitting MS and progressive relapsing MS Mitoxantrone is a type II topoisomerase inhibitor; it disrupts DNA synthesis and DNA repair in both healthy cells and cancer cells.It is used in the treatment of certain types of cancer, mostly metastatic breast cancer, acute myeloid leukemia, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. It was also shown to improve the survival of children suffering from first relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
The combination of mitoxantrone and prednisone is approved as a second-line treatment for metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer. This combination has been the first line of treatment, until recently, when combination of docetaxel and prednisone has been shown to improve survival and disease-free period
Mitoxantrone is also used to treat multiple sclerosis (MS), most notably the subset known as secondary progressive MS. Mitoxantrone will not cure multiple sclerosis, but is effective in slowing the progression of secondary progressive MS and extending the time between relapses in relapsing-remitting MS and progressive relapsing MS.
Molecular Formula:C22H28N4O6· 2HC1
Molecular Weight:517.41
Specifications:EP, USP

the use of Oxandrolone

Oxandrolone is widely used due to its exceptionally small level of androgenicity[citation needed] accompanied by moderate anabolic effect. Although oxandrolone is a 17-alpha alkylated steroid, its liver toxicity is very small as well. Studies have showed that a daily dose of 20 mg Oxandrolone  used in the course of 12 weeks had only a negligible impact on the increase of liver enzymes. As a DHT derivative, oxandrolone does not aromatize (convert to estrogen, which causes gynecomastia or male breast tissue). It also does not significantly influence the body's normal testosterone production (HPTA axis) at low dosages (20 mg). When dosages are high, the human body reacts by reducing the production of LH (luteinizing hormone), thinking endogenous testosterone production is too high; this in turn eliminates further stimulation of Leydig cells in the testicles, causing testicular atrophy (shrinking). Oxandrolone  sed in a dose of 20 mg/day suppressed endogenous testosterone by 67% after 12 weeks of therapy.
In a randomized, double-blind study, patients with 40% total body surface area burns were selected to receive standard burn care plus oxandrolone, or without oxandrolone. Those treated with oxandrolone showed improved body composition, preserved muscle mass and reduced hospital stay time.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Information about Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.It is used for relief of symptoms of arthritis, primary dysmenorrhea, fever, and as an analgesic, especially where there is an inflammatory component. Ibuprofen is known to have an antiplatelet effect, though it is relatively mild and short-lived when compared with that of aspirin or other better-known antiplatelet drugs.
Ibuprofen is used primarily for fever, pain, dysmenorrhea and inflammatory diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.It is also used for pericarditis and patent ductus arteriosus. Ibuprofen has a dose-dependent duration of action of around four to eight hours, which is longer than suggested by its short half-life. Onset of analgesia (time to effect) is 24.5 minutes using liquigel format orally. The recommended dose varies with body mass and indication. A dose of 400 mg per dose and 1200 mg per day is considered the maximum amount for over-the-counter use in the United States.

In Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, ibuprofen lysine (the lysine salt of ibuprofen, sometimes called "ibuprofen lysinate" even though the lysine is in cationic form) is licensed for treatment of the same conditions as ibuprofen. The lysine salt increases water solubility, allowing intravenous use, and is indicated for closure of a patent ductus arteriosus in premature infants weighing between 500 and 1,500 grams (1 and 3 lb), who are no more than 32 weeks gestational age when usual medical management  is ineffective.
With regard to this indication, ibuprofen lysine is an effective alternative to intravenous indomethacin, and may be advantageous in terms of kidney function.[15] Ibuprofen lysine has been shown to have a more rapid onset of action compared to acid ibuprofen.

about Thiamine(Vitamin B1)

Thiamine(Vitamin B1) is a colorless organosulfur compound with a chemical formula C12H17N4OS. Its structure consists of aminopyrimidine and a thiazole ring linked by a methylene bridge. The thiazole is substituted with methyl and hydroxyethyl side chains. Thiamine is soluble in water, methanol, and glycerol and practically insoluble in less polar organic solvents. It is stable at acidic pH, but is unstable in alkaline solutions. Thiamine, which is a N-heterocyclic carbene, can be used in place of cyanide as a catalyst for benzoin condensation.Thiamine is unstable to heat, but stable during frozen storage. It is unstable when exposed to ultraviolet light and gamma irradiation. Thiamine reacts strongly in Maillard-type reactions.Thiamine(Vitamin B1)is found in a wide variety of foods at low concentrations. Yeast, yeast extract, and pork are the most highly concentrated sources of thiamine. In general, cereal grains are the most important dietary sources of thiamine, by virtue of their ubiquity. Of these, whole grains contain more thiamine than refined grains, as thiamine is found mostly in the outer layers of the grain and in the germ (which are removed during the refining process). For example, 100 g of whole-wheat flour contains 0.55 mg of thiamine, while 100 g of white flour contains only 0.06 mg of thiamine. In the US, processed flour must be enriched with thiamine mononitrate (along with niacin, ferrous iron, riboflavin, and folic acid) to replace that lost in processing. In Australia, thiamine, folic acid, and iodised salt are added for the same reason. A whole foods diet is therefore recommended for deficiency.
Some other foods rich in thiamine are oatmeal, flax, and sunflower seeds, brown rice, whole grain rye, asparagus, kale, cauliflower, potatoes, oranges, liver (beef, pork, and chicken), and eggs.
Thiamine hydrochloride (Betaxin) is a (when by itself) white, crystalline hygroscopic food-additive used to add a brothy/meaty flavor to gravies or soups. It is a natural intermediary resulting from a thiamine-HCl reaction, which precedes hydrolysis and phosphorylation, before it is finally employed (in the form of TPP) in a number of enzymatic amino, fatty acid, and carbohydrate reactions.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

About Furosemide

Furosemide is a loop diuretic drug.This drug prevents the absorption of chloride, sodium, potassium and water, leading to an increased volume of urine. This assists the kidneys in removing excessive fluid.Furosemide is most often used in the treatment of heart failure. It is a potent diuretic drug.Furosemide is used to reduce fluid accumulation and prevent further edema from forming. It is primarily used to treat heart failure and pulmonary edema (lung fluid). It is also used to treat some electrolyte imbalances, such as high calcium and high potassium levels, because the diuretic effect improves elimination of these ions.
Cas No.:54-31-9
Molecular formula:C12H11ClN2O5S
Molecular Weight:330.745 g/mol
More about Furosemide

About Flunarizine

Flunarizine is a selective calcium entry blocker with calmodulin binding properties and histamine H1 blocking activity. It is effective in the prophylaxis of migraine, occlusive peripheral vascular disease, vertigo of central and peripheral origin, and as an adjuvant in the therapy of epilepsy. Flunarizine has been shown to significantly reduce headache frequency and severity in both adults and children. Flunarizine has some side effects including weight gain, extrapyramidal effects, drowsiness and depression, it is contraindicated in hypotension, heart failure and arrhythmia. Flunarizine use is avoided in patients with depression, severe constipation or those with extrapyramidal disorders.
CAS : 30484-77-6
Molecular Formula : C26H28Cl2F2N2
Formula Weight : 477.42

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

what is Trenbolone Enanthate ?

In the eyes of many, the Trenbolone hormone is considered the ultimate in cutting cycles; thats not surprising with its strong metabolic increasing and fat burning properties. While those are tremendous benefits, where Trenbolone Enanthate truly shines is in its ability to greatly preserve lean muscle tissue; perhaps better than any anabolic steroid on earth. When we diet, in-order to lose body fat, not weight but body fat we must be in a caloric deficit; we must burn more calories than we consume. As a result, as the body fights change with a desire to hang onto stored body fat due to its survival nature lean muscle tissue is often sacrificed in-order to meet its energy needs. As we lose more lean muscle tissue, this slows down the metabolic rate, and of course, it makes the physique look worse; Trenbolone Enanthate will prevent this. Of course, it gets even better; through its traits, Trenbolone Enanthate will provide the ultimate in visual conditioning effects; were talking about the promotion of a dry, hard physique, and no steroid does it better.

Beyond cutting, the benefits of Trenbolone Enanthate are tremendous when it comes to off-season bulking plans; with nutrient efficiency being promoted to such a strong degree along with all its other anabolic promoting effects this isnt hard to see. It is true, Trenbolone Enanthate is not going to pile weight on your frame at the rate of Anadrol or Dianabol; however, this non-aromatizing steroid will pile on nothing but lean tissue with no water weight due to its use, and with adequate calories it will be a significant gain. Further, and this is the big one, due to its metabolic increasing nature, Trenbolone Enanthate will enable you to gain more lean mass with less body fat accumulation that often accompanies off-season bulking phases, and this is invaluable. In-order to gain new lean tissue, unlike dieting you must be in a caloric surplus; your daily caloric intake must be slightly above maintenance. Of course, this will promote fat gain as well; however, Trenbolone Enanthate will minimize it.

Detail information about GHRP-2 Acetate

GHRP-2 ,GHRP-2 Acetate 
CAS No.  158861-67-7
Molecular Formula  C45H55N9O6
Molecular Weight 817.97
Storage 2-8 Centi Degree
Batch No.    
Manufacturing Date  
Retest Date    
Sequence D-Ala-D-β-Nal-Ala-Trp-D-Phe-Lys-NH2
1 Assay 95.0-105.0% 97.0%
2 Appearance White powder White powder
3 Solubility Soluble in water or acetic acid to give a clear, colorless solution Conforms
4 Amino Acid Composition ±10% of theoretical Conforms
5 Peptide Purity (By HPLC) >95.0% by area integration 97.0%
6 Related Substance(By HPLC) Total Impurities(%) <5.0% Largest Single Impurity(%)<1.0%  3.0% 0.5%  
7 Acetate Content (By HPLC) <15.0% 13.5%
8 Water Content (Karl Fischer) <8.0% 2.0%
9 Bacterial Endotoxins <5EU Conform
10 Peptide Content(By N determination) >80.0% 83.8% 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Use of DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol)

DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol) is a chemical naturally produced in the human brain. It is thought to be used by the body in converting choline to the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine (i.e., it is a precursor to acetylcholine). This is the basis for thinking that supplementing with DMAE will enhance brain activity. DMAE may also provide some benefit in patients with tardive dyskinesia.

DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol) is used as a curing agent for polyurethanes and epoxy resins. It is also used in mass quantities for water treatment, and to some extent in the coatings industry. It is used in the synthesis of dyestuffs, textile auxiliaries, pharmaceuticals, emulsifiers, and corrosion inhibitors. It is also an additive to paint removers, boiler water and amino resins. It forms a number of salts with melting points below room temperature (ionic liquids) such as N,N-dimethylethanolammonium acetate and N,N-dimethylethanolammonium octanoate, which have been used as alternatives to conventional solvents.
2-Dimethylaminoethyl chloride hydrochloride is an intermediate made from dimethylaminoethanol that is widely used for the manufacture of pharmaceuticals.

CAS NO:108-01-0
Molecular formula:C4H11NO
Molecular weight:89.14 g/mol
Buy DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol)

About D-ribose

Ribose is an organic compound with the formula C5H10O5; specifically, a monosaccharide (simple sugar) with linear form H−(C=O)−(CHOH)4−H, which has all the hydroxyl groups on the same side in the Fischer projection.
The term may refer to either of two enantiomers. The term usually indicates D-ribose, which occurs widely in nature and is discussed here. Its synthetic mirror image, L-ribose, is not found in nature.
D-Ribose was first reported in 1891 by Emil Fischer. It is a C'-2 carbon epimer of the sugar D-arabinose (both isomers of which are named for their source, gum arabic) and ribose itself is named as a transposition of the name of arabinose.
Ribose forms part of the backbone of RNA. It is related to deoxyribose, which is found in DNA. Phosphorylated derivatives of ribose such as ATP and NADH play central roles in metabolism. cAMP and cGMP, formed from ATP and GTP, serve as secondary messengers in some signalling pathways.
Ribose is an aldopentose (a monosaccharide containing five carbon atoms) that, in its open chain form, has an aldehyde functional group at one end. In the conventional numbering scheme for monosaccharides, the carbon atoms are numbered from C1' (in the aldehyde group) to C5'. The deoxyribose derivative found in DNA differs from ribose by having a hydrogen atom in place of the hydroxyl group at C2'. This hydroxyl group performs a function in RNA splicing.
The "D-" in the name D-ribose refers to the stereochemistry of the chiral carbon atom farthest away from the aldehyde group (C4'). In D-ribose, as in all D-sugars, this carbon atom has the same configuration as in D-glyceraldehyde.xmbk125268

Friday, January 10, 2014

About o-Phenylenediamine

o-Phenylenediamine is a peroxidase substrate suitable for use in ELISA procedures. The substrate produces a soluble end product that is orange-brown in color and can be read spectrophotometrically at 450 nm. The OPD reaction may be stopped with 3 N HCl or 3 M H2SO4 and read at 492 nm.
Molecular formula:C6H8N2·2HCl
Molecular weight:181.06
Appearance:Light pink to purple crystalline powder.
Properties:Soluble in water
Storage:Dark dark storage, -20 ° C.
Uses:O-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride peroxidase substrate is used for ELISA.
Buy o-Phenylenediamine 

what is Ceftriaxone ?

Ceftriaxone (INN) is a third-generation cephalosporin antibiotic. Like other third-generation cephalosporins, it has broad spectrum activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. In most cases, it is considered to be equivalent to cefotaxime in terms of safety and efficacy. Ceftriaxone sodium is marketed by Hoffman-La Roche under the trade name Rocephin, Rocetrax by Star Laboratories in Pakistan, as well as under various other names in several countries. Gepach International markets Ceftriaxone Injections under the brand name Cefatrin.
Ceftriaxone is often used (in combination, but not direct, with macrolide and/or aminoglycoside antibiotics) for the treatment of community-acquired or mild to moderate health care-associated pneumonia. It is also a choice drug for treatment of bacterial meningitis. In pediatrics, it is commonly used in febrile infants between 4 and 8 weeks of age who are admitted to the hospital to exclude sepsis. The dosage for acute ear infection in the very young is 50 mg IM, one dose daily up to three days. It has also been used in the treatment of Lyme disease, typhoid fever, and gonorrhea.
Intravenous dosages may be adjusted for body mass in younger patients and is administered every 12–24 hours, at a dose that depends on the type and severity of the infection.
Molecular Formula:C18H18N8O7S3
Formula Weight:554.58

Thursday, January 9, 2014

About Mitoxantrone

Mitoxantrone is an anthracycline antineoplastic agent used in the treatment of certain types of cancer, mostly metastatic breast cancer, acute myeloid leukemia, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Mitoxantrone is also used to treat multiple sclerosis most notably the subset known as secondary progressive MS. Mitoxantrone will not cure multiple sclerosis, but is effective in slowing the progression of secondary progressive MS and extending the time between relapses in relapsing-remitting MS and progressive relapsing MS Mitoxantrone is a type II topoisomerase inhibitor; it disrupts DNA synthesis and DNA repair in both healthy cells and cancer cells.

It is used in the treatment of certain types of cancer, mostly metastatic breast cancer, acute myeloid leukemia, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. It was also shown to improve the survival of children suffering from first relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
The combination of mitoxantrone and prednisone is approved as a second-line treatment for metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer. This combination has been the first line of treatment, until recently, when combination of docetaxel and prednisone has been shown to improve survival and disease-free period.

Molecular Formula:C22H28N4O6· 2HC1
Molecular Weight:517.41
Specifications:EP, USP
More about Mitoxantrone

About Cycloheximide (Actidione)

Cycloheximide is an inhibitor of protein biosynthesis in eukaryotic organisms, produced by the bacterium Streptomyces griseus. Cycloheximide exerts its effect by interfering with the translocation step in protein synthesis (movement of two tRNA molecules and mRNA in relation to the ribosome) thus blocking translational elongation. Cycloheximide is widely used in biomedical research to inhibit protein synthesis in eukaryotic cells studied in vitro (i.e. outside of organisms). It is inexpensive and works rapidly. Its effects are rapidly reversed by simply removing it from the culture medium.Since cycloheximide is an effective inhibitor of protein biosynthesis in eukaryotes only, it may be used to distinguish between proteins translated in the mitochondria and proteins translated in the cytosol. mRNA translated in cytosol or ER from mRNA derived from the nucleus will not be expressed in the presence of cycloheximide. Conversely, translation using mitochondrial ribosomes is unaffected by cycloheximide, and mitochondrial genes will continue to be expressed. Cycloheximide can be used as an experimental tool in molecular biology to determine the half-life of a protein. Treating cells with cycloheximide in a time-course experiment followed by Western blotting of the cell lysates for the protein of interest can show differences in protein half-life. Cycloheximide treatment provides the ability to observe the half-life of a protein without confounding contributions from transcription or translation.
It is used as a plant growth regulator to stimulate ethylene production. It is used as a rodenticide and other animal pesticide. It is also used in media to detect unwanted bacteria by suppressing yeasts and molds in beer fermentation.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What is Urease ?

Ureases (EC, functionally, belong to the superfamily of amidohydrolases and phosphotriestreases. It is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea into carbon dioxide and ammonia. The reaction occurs as follows:
(NH2)2CO + H2O → CO2 + 2NH3
More specifically, urease catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea to produce ammonia and carbamate, the carbamate produced is subsequently degraded by spontaneous hydrolysis to produce another ammonia and carbonic acid. Urease activity tends to increase the pH of the environment in which it is as it produces ammonia, as it is a basic molecule. Ureases are found in numerous bacteria, fungi, algae, plants and some invertebrates, as well as in soils, as a soil enzyme. They are nickel-containing metalloenzymes of high molecular weight.
In 1926, James B. Sumner, an assistant professor at Cornell University, showed that urease is a protein by examining its crystallized form. Sumner's work was the first demonstration that a pure protein can function as an enzyme, and led eventually to the recognition that most enzymes are in fact proteins, and the award of the Nobel prize in chemistry to Sumner in 1946. The structure of urease was first solved by P. A. Karplus in 1995. Urease was the first ever enzyme crystallized.
Urease is a protease extracted from Jack Bean. It is useful for enzymatic determination of urea in clinical analysis.It is white lyophilized powder.

the common uses of Goat-serum

goat serum is donor-herd collected, processed, goat serum is tested specifically for cytotoxicity. Test samples are examined for the ability to support the attachment and proliferation of three adherent cell lines.
Common Uses of Goat-serum
Suitable replacement for FBS on most cell lines and primary cultures for Biomedical Research -  virus isolation and identification, virological studies, etc1
Used as an effective NBCS replacement for the culture of fish cells2
Could be successfully used in place of fetal bovine serum in the growth medium for long-term in vitro propagation of T. annulata schizont.More about Goat-serum

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What is the Flumazenil ?

Flumazenil  is a benzodiazepine antagonist.Flumazenil is of benefit in patients who become excessively drowsy after benzodiazepines are used for either diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.It has been used as an antidote in the treatment of benzodiazepine overdoses.
Flumazenil is of benefit in patients who become excessively drowsy after benzodiazepines are used for either diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.It has been used as an antidote in the treatment of benzodiazepine overdoses It reverses the effects of benzodiazepines by competitive inhibition at the benzodiazepine binding site on the GABAA receptor. There are many complications that must be taken into consideration when used in the acute care setting.
It has been found to be effective in overdoses of non-benzodiazepine sleep enhancers, namely zolpidem, zaleplon and zopiclone.

It has been used as an antidote in the treatment of benzodiazepine overdoses. It reverses the effects of benzodiazepines by competitive inhibition at the benzodiazepine binding site on the GABAA receptor. There are many complications that must be taken into consideration when used in the acute care setting.
It has been found to be effective in overdoses of non-benzodiazepine sleep enhancers, namely zolpidem, zaleplon and zopiclone.
It was recently found effective in reducing excessive daytime sleepiness while improving vigilance in primary hypersomnias, such as idiopathic hypersomnia.

It was recently found effective in reducing excessive daytime sleepiness while improving vigilance in primary hypersomnias, such as idiopathic hypersomnia. It has also been used in hepatic encephalopathy, though results have been mixed.
CAS : 78755-81-4
Molecular Formula : C15H14FN3O3
Formula Weight : 303.29
More about Flumazenil 

Information about Terbinafine hydrochloride

Terbinafine is a synthetic allylamine antifungal. It is highly lipophilic in nature and tends to accumulate in skin, nails, and fatty tissues. As a generic it is sold under the name Zabel in Australia. It is now also available as a generic in the United States, Belgium, Switzerland, Russia, and most or all of the former Soviet Union.
Terbinafine hydrochloride is a white fine crystalline powder that is freely soluble in methanol and dichloromethane, soluble in ethanol, and slightly soluble in water.Like other allylamines, terbinafine inhibits ergosterol synthesis by inhibiting squalene epoxidase, an enzyme that is part of the fungal cell membrane synthesis pathway. Because terbinafine prevents conversion of squalene to lanosterol, ergosterol cannot be synthesized. This is thought to change cell membrane permeability, causing fungal cell lysis.
Molecular Formula:C21H26ClN
Molecular Weight:327.89g/mol
More about Terbinafine hydrochloride

Monday, January 6, 2014

Information about Fipronil

Fipronil is a broad-use insecticide that belongs to the phenylpyrazole chemical family. Fipronil is a broad-spectrum insecticide that disrupts the insect central nervous system by blocking the passage of chloride ions through the GABA receptor and glutamate-gated chloride (GluCl) channels, components of the central nervous system. This causes hyperexcitation of contaminated insects' nerves and muscles. Specificity of fipronil on insects may come from a better efficacy on GABA receptor, but also because GluCl channels do not exist in mammals.
Fipronil is a slow acting poison. When used as bait, it allows the poisoned insect time to return to the colony or harborage. In cockroaches, the feces and carcass can contain sufficient residual pesticide to kill others in the same nesting site[citation needed]. In ants, the sharing of the bait among colony members assists in the spreading of the poison throughout the colony[citation needed]. With the cascading effect, the projected kill rate is about 95% in three days for ants and cockroaches[citation needed]. Fipronil serves as a good bait toxin not only because of its slow action, but also because most, if not all, of the target insects do not find it offensive or repulsive.[citation needed]
Toxic baiting with fipronil has also been shown to be extremely effective in locally eliminating German wasps (commonly called yellow jackets in North America). All colonies within foraging range are completely eliminated within one week.
Wildlife impacts include the following:
Fipronil is highly toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. Its tendency to bind to sediments and its low water solubility may reduce the potential hazard to aquatic wildlife.
Fipronil is toxic to bees and should not be applied to vegetation when bees are foraging.
Fipronil has been found to be highly toxic to upland game birds, but is practically nontoxic to waterfowl and other bird species. One of the metabolites of fipronil has a higher toxicity to birds than the parent compound itself.
Fipronil is also used as the active ingredient in flea control products for pets, field pest control for corn, golf courses and commercial turf, although flea populations appear to be developing a genetic resistance to its effects.
Fipronil acts by binding to an allosteric site of GABAA receptors and GluCl receptor (of the insect), a form of noncompetitive inhibition.

what is Methandrostenolone ?

Methandrostenolone  is an orally-effective anabolic steroid originally developed in Germany and released in the US in the early 1960s by Ciba Specialty Chemicals. Methandrostenolone is a controlled substance in the United States and Western Europe and remains popular among bodybuilders. An injectable form is sold online from United States based companies. Methandrostenolone is readily available without a prescription in countries such as Mexico (under the trade name Reforvit-b), and is also being manufactured in Asia and many East European countries.
In the early 1960s, doctors commonly prescribed 3 tablets per day for women as a tonic. This use was quickly discontinued upon discovery of the heavily masculinising effects of methandrostenolone.Despite the lack of any known therapeutic applications, the drug remained legal until the early 2001[citation needed]. The United States Congress added certain kinds of steroids which may or may not include methandrostenolone to the Controlled Substances Act as an amendment known as the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990[citation needed]. This act placed steroids in the same category as some amphetamines as a "Schedule III" drug and possession of these drugs results in a felony. Contrary to popular belief, steroids were banned by Congress without the support of the FDA, the American Medical Association, the DEA or the National Institute on Drug Abuse. It's used by bodybuilders, and methandrostenolone continues to be used illegally to this day, typically being combined (stacked) with injectable compounds, such as testosterone propionate, enanthate, cypionate as well as other injectable drugs like trenbolone acetate.
Several successful athletes and professional bodybuilders have come forward and admitted long-term Methandrostenolone use before the drug was banned, including Arnold Schwarzenegger , Ronnie Coleman and Phil Heath .

Sunday, January 5, 2014

what is Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) ?

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a organosulfur compound.It is an important polar aprotic solvent that dissolves both polar and nonpolar compounds and is miscible in a wide range of organic solvents as well as water.In medicine, DMSO is predominantly used as a topical analgesic, a vehicle for topical application of pharmaceuticals, as an anti-inflammatory, and an antioxidant.
lthough it has some niche medicinal uses it also has significant known side effects. It has been discussed as treatment for cancer and other conditions.
Use of DMSO in medicine dates from around 1963, when an Oregon Health & Science University Medical School team, headed by Stanley Jacob, discovered it could penetrate the skin and other membranes without damaging them and could carry other compounds into a biological system. In medicine, DMSO is predominantly used as a topical analgesic, a vehicle for topical application of pharmaceuticals, as an anti-inflammatory, and an antioxidant. Because DMSO increases the rate of absorption of some compounds through organic tissues, including skin, it is used in some transdermal drug delivery systems. Its effect may be enhanced with the addition of EDTA. It is frequently compounded with antifungal medications, enabling them to penetrate not just skin but also toe and fingernails.

About Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA)

Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) is a potent antioxidant compound found in the creosote bush. It is believed that NDGA reduces cell damage by free radicals.
The plant has been used to treat a variety of illnesses including infertility, rheumatism, arthritis, diabetes, gallbladder and kidney stones, pain and inflammation, but its use is controversial. Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) was widely used during the 1950s as a food preservative and to preserve natural fibers but was later banned after reports of toxicity during the early 1960s. Recently, it has been used as a nutritional supplement, however renal and hepatotoxicity are reported for chronic use of creosote bush and NDGA.
Molecular Formula:C18H22O4
Formula Weight:302.36
Melting point:180 - 185 C
Boiling point:526.5 °C at 760 mmHg
Flash Point:247.8 °C
Density:1.241 g/cm3
Chemical property:white to off-white powder.
Buy  Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA)