Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Effects of Testosterone-Decanoate

The side-effects of Testosterone-Decanoate will be the same as all testosterone compounds; after all, testosterone is the same hormone regardless of the ester attached. As this is the case, the side-effects of Testosterone-Decanoate will largely surround its strong aromatizing nature; aromatization referring to the conversion of testosterone into estrogen. As estrogen levels increase, if they get too high this can lead to some of the most commonly associated anabolic steroidal side-effects on earth, but thankfully there is hope. Testosterone is one of the best steroids on earth for healthy adult men; not only because of the benefits, but equally important is its high level of toleration; that alone is a massive benefit.
In any case, the side-effects of Testosterone-Decanoate largely fall into what we can aptly call possible side-effects, and this means they are in no way guaranteed. Further, each and every one of the possible side-effects of Testosterone-Decanoate are 100% avoidable when supplementation is undertaken by a healthy adult male; this means you do not have high blood pressure or cholesterol or any prostate issues. So what are the side-effects of Testosterone-Decanoate? The one most men worry about a great deal is gynecomastia or male-breast enlargement, and this is due to the excess estrogen buildup caused by this steroids aromatizing nature. As estrogen levels increase, the hormone binds to the receptors and promotes breast tissue growth, and that can be devastating to any man. In-order to combat this effect, your ultimate protection will come in the form of an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) such as Anastrozole (Arimidex) or Letrozole (Femara). AI’s actively inhibit the aromatase process from occurring, and they even lower the body’s total estrogen levels; nothing will protect you from gynecomastia like an AI.

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